The Autumn coaching programme starts on Saturday 14th September and the after-school squads in the following week.

The Registration fee for the school year 2024/25 is £25 per child payable to Account Name: Sevenoaks Tennis Centre, Sort Code: 30-92-92, Account Number: 34094560, but ONLY payable when you have been offered and accepted a place. The Registration fee is not required if your child is a member of Sevenoaks LTC.

To help us plan the programme please print off and complete the registration form below, and send it to Hélène as soon as possible by post or email, Hélène Jackson, The Two Houses, Hollow Lane, East Grinstead RH19 3PS or [email protected]. She will contact you to discuss options. If you prefer to speak to Hélène first please call her (not after 7pm please!) on 07710 677675.

The coaching schedule changes annually, and in addition your children will move through the different levels. So it is very important that you indicate all possible options! Please also note that, except for children doing their first year of mini-red, there are limited spaces for children only able to do one weekly session.

Child’s nameDate of birth
SchoolBTM no
Present squad
Sat am… Sat pm… Sun am… Sun pm… Mon… Tues… Wed… Thurs… Fri…
What is the earliest you can get to West Heath/Sevenoaks LTC on weekdays?
1600… 1630… 1700… 1800…
Does your child have a medical condition that the coaches should be made aware of?
How many squads can your child do per week?
One… (see caution above!) Two… Three…
Is your child a member of Sevenoaks LTC?
Your car registration no(s) – essential for access to West Heath School:

After Registration! Once your child is enrolled at Sevenoaks Tennis Centre we try to keep in close touch with you to ensure that he/she gains maximum benefit from all our activities. Our website and regular emails are key factors in keeping you informed. If you are not already on our emailing list do please ask us to put you on by emailing Hélène at [email protected].

Photography & Filming and Online Safety

Once your child is enrolled, please take the time to read the Photography/Filming and Online Safety form and return a signed copy to Helene Jackson (contact details above).

Safe to Play!

Please see a link here to important information regarding Safeguarding and how to contact our Welfare Officer.

Caution – if you find you are losing part of the form when printing it out this may be because your printer is in Portrait layout – switching to Landscape layout will normally solve the problem!